With the infinite blessings and love of the Lord, Sri Prasanthi Society was able to publish nine souvenirs as on date – eight released by Bhagawan HIMSELF and the ninth in His divine Sannidhi at Prasanthi Nilayam. The first volume - Sri Sathya Sai Prabha was released in the year 1985 on the holy occasion of Bhagawan's 6oth birthday which was edited by Late Dr Diwakarla Venkatavadhani garu and Late Sri P Sitapati IAS( Retd) which was a combined issue of Telugu and English. Subsequently all the issues till 2005 were edited by Late Sri P. Sitapati IAS.
Sri P Sridhar, IRS (Retd) took over the reigns of Editorship from the year 2010 onwards and is the Editor in Chief till date for the special volumes which will include the 100th year special volume too
Here is a list of our Special Volumes released :
1985 - 60 th Birthday -Sri Sathya Sai Prabha
1990 - 65thBirthday- Sathya Sai – The Eternal Charioteer
1992 - 67th Birthday-Sathya Sai - The Avatar of Love
1995 - 70th birthday-Sathya Sai the Saviour
2000 - 75th birthday-The Splendour of Sathya Sai
2005 - 80th birthday – Sathya Sai – The Almighty
2010 - 85th birthday – Sathya Sai – The Lord of The Universe
2015 - 90th birthday – Sathya Sai – The Supreme Master
2020 - 95th – Sathya Sai – The Divine Companion
There are scores of such experiences of the Divine with the members of the Society …We offer my humble pranams and heartfelt thanks at the lotus feet of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba varu for giving us an opportunity to be a grain of sand under His divine feet in His avatharic mission.